Philippine Herbal Medicine


10 DOH Herbs
Carrot | Karot
Luyang Dilaw
Saluyot | Jute
Tanglad-Lemon Grass
Tsaang Gubat
Virgin Coconut Oil
Yerba Buena

Pará Rubber Tree (Hevea brasiliensis)

Latex from the rubber treeRubber Tree

From the family of Euphorbiaceae is the most common source of commercial rubber. The latex is collected and is the main ingredient in making natural rubber. In contrast synthetic rubber is made from polymers.

Originally, rubber trees grew only in the Amazon region of South America -rubber trees can grow up to 30 meters high. When vulcanization was discovered in 1839, demand for rubber increased. Rubber tree seedlings were exported from Brazil to India in 1873 by the British to propagate the tree but the rubber tree seedlings did not survive. But future attempts to export the rubber tree seedlings to Ceylon, Singapore, Malaya (now Malaysia) were successful and today, most of the rubber tree plantations are in Southeast Asia, Central America and Africa.

Harvesting of rubber latex:

Rubber trees that are 5 years old or more produce a whitish or yellowish latex that can be harvested by cutting into the bark with a herringbone pattern, deep enough to reach the latex vessels but before the phloem -the hard wood. The older the rubber tree gets, the more latex is produced.

Processing of the latex:

After collecting the latex into small containers, the latex is heated and smoked by burning wood, stirred and then acid or alkali is added to coagulate or thicken the latex, then it is pressed to remove water. The resultant flat "cakes" are hung to dry. After drying, it is ready to be shipped to factories and made into various types of rubber products.

Rubber Industry in the Philippines:

Rubber tree seedlings was introduced in the Philippines by the Menzi Agricultural Corporation in 1905 in Basilan. Almost at the same time as Indonesia & Malaysia started their rubber industry. Several years later, plantations were established in Cotabato and Zamboanga del Sur (in addition to the plantation in Basialn). Today these provinces are still the major producers of rubber in the Philippines -but only about 100,000 hectares of land is planted with rubber trees. Compared to the Philippines' neighbors, the Philippines lags behind in rubber production. The recent and continuing rise of rubber demand and prices in the world market, just might awaken the Philippine rubber industry to see the opportunity for a brighter future for the industry...


Other Herbal & Non-Herbal Medicine: Philippine Plants, Fruits & Trees

Abaca Plant | Avocado | Atis Fruit | Banana Plant | Barako Coffee | Coconut Palm Tree | Durian Fruit | Guyabano Fruit | Mango Tree | Mangosteen | Papaya Fruit | Pineapple Nutrition Fact | Rubber Tree | Tomato Nutrition | Tuba-Tuba Plant - Jatropha

Key to Nutritional Healing | Philippine Medicinal Plants List


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