Philippine Herbal Medicine


10 DOH Herbs
Carrot | Karot
Luyang Dilaw

Insulin Plant
Saluyot | Jute
Tanglad-Lemon Grass
Tsaang Gubat
Virgin Coconut Oil
Yerba Buena


Sabila | Aloe Vera

(Aloe barbadensis miller liquid)

Herbal Medicine Photo of Sabila / Aloe Vera (Aloe Barbadensis Miller)Sabila or Aloe Vera holds the scientific name, Aloe barbadensis miller liquid. It is an herb, which is known mainly for its cosmetic functions. However, this plant is also rich in substances that aid in several illnesses and ailments. The aloe vera plant has been found to have great contributions to health, both internally and externally. Research studies have shown that it has properties comprising of inhibitory, anti-inflammatory, regenerative, and anti-bacterial functions.

Preparations made with aloe vera as the primary ingredient have been effective in reducing pain and allergies. In the same way, some of its properties are responsible for cell regeneration that causes close cuts and hemorrhages to heal easily and more rapidly. Its purgative properties, brought about by the existence of six antiseptic agent substances in the plant (that is, cinnamic acid, lupeol, sulphur, salicylic acid, phenol and urea nitrogen), make it ideal in eradicating parasites, harmful bacteria, and fungi in the intestinal tracts. Sabila can be used externally for the treatment of acne, pimple burns, insect bites, dandruff, and for moisturizing and hydrating the skin.

The herbal properties of Sabila is able to penetrate the inner parts of the body, and specifically targets joints, tendons, and muscles, and helps in the promotion and growth of new tissues. Aloe vera or Sabila contains vitamins B1, B2, B6, vitamin C, choline, niacin amide and 18 amino acids. You can mix the Aloe Vera extract with fruit juice and other drinks. Aloe Vera is also an anti-oxidant in which, it prevents oxidation of certain fats and gene cells, preventing and helps slow down cancer cells and tumors. Since it is an anti-oxidant, it has anti-aging properties. It also reduces free radicals, which can damage the arteries. Aside from being an herbal medicine, Aloe Vera is good for the health and can be taken internally, or applied externally.

Medicinal Benefits of Aloe Vera:


• Treatment of acne, pimples & psoriasis
• Analgesic properties for inflammation of skin
• Helps reduce high blood pressure
• Anti-aging properties
• Heals insect bites, minor burns & sunburns
• Arthritis, diabetes
• Eradicates intestinal bacteria and parasites
• Helps prevent cancer & tumors
• Eases Constipation
• Treatment of dandruff and dry or itchy scalp
• Antifungal, antiviral, antioxidant, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties.

Preparation & Use:


• For treatment of skin inflammation, acne, pimple, insect bites, scalds (minor burns) etc., remove the skin of a leaf then rub Sabila (Aloe Vera) juice on your skin or scalp for dandruff (may be mixed with coconut oil) and leave for at least 30 minutes, then rinse.
• The poultices of the aloe vera leaves may be applied directly to contusions.
• For hypertension, arthritis, diabetes, intestinal parasites, constipation etc., remove the skin and take internally. The jell liquefies a after a few minutes and can be mixed with other drinks.


Other Herbal & Non-Herbal Medicine: Philippine Plants, Fruits & Trees

Abaca Plant | Avocado | Atis Fruit | Banana Plant | Barako Coffee | Coconut Palm Tree | Durian Fruit | Guyabano Fruit | Mango Tree | Mangosteen | Papaya Fruit | Pineapple | Rubber Tree | Tomato Nutrition Fact | Tuba-Tuba Plant - Jatropha

Key to Nutritional Healing | Philippine Medicinal Plants List


Philippine Herbal Medicine © 2005-2025